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Creating the Project

In order to collect the responses for this project, I surveyed almost two dozen emerging adults, asking them to share some of their experiences in about dozen categories, including:

  • Friendships. 

  • Dating/Relationships.

  • Family Relationships. 

  • Independence. 

  • Education/College. 

  • Work/Career. 

  • Fun/Hobbies. 

  • Body Image/Confidence. 

  • Mental Health. 

  • COVID-19. 

  • Future. 

I plan to update the site periodically, so if you're interested in contributing to this project or would like to check out the Google Form that was provided to participants, click here:

Below are the questions that were asked for each category:

  • Friendships: How have your friendships changed? What do they look like now? Has it been easy or challenging to make friends? What have you learned about friendship during this time your life?

  • Dating & Relationships: What has dating looked like for you? Are you currently in a relationship? Have you been in a relationship during your emerging adulthood? How do you feel about relationships & dating? Any challenges or success stories? What have you learned?

  • Family Relationships: What's your relationship with your family like at this point in your life? How has it changed or stayed the same? Who are you closest to in your family? What does family mean to you?

  • Independence: Do you feel like you've reached adulthood? If yes, why? If not, when do you think you will? Do you feel independent? What does independence and adulthood look like to you?

  • Work & Career: What has your work experience looked like? How has it changed? What do you want to do in the future? Any challenges or successes? What lessons have you learned about working?

  • Education & College: Have you pursued higher education? If yes, what's your field of study and what year are you? If no, why? What made you decide to go to college? What has the experience been like, overall? Has it changed over time? What challenges or successes have you had? What lessons have you learned?

  • Hobbies & Fun: What do you like to do for fun? Has this changed over time? What are some of your hobbies or favorites activities? Feel free to share personal memories of fun times you've had during this time in your life.

  • Body Image & Confidence: What has your experience been with body image and/or confidence? Have you had any struggles? Has your confidence changed? What lessons have you learned?

  • Mental Health: How would you describe your mental health? Have you had any mental health issues that you feel comfortable sharing about? Has your mental health changed throughout your emerging adulthood, If yes, how so? What lessons have you learned?

  • COVID-19: How has the pandemic altered your life? Has it changed your perspective? What has your experience been during this historic period in time? What have you learned? What are your hopes going forward?

  • Future: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10? What do you hope your future looks like? What are your worries? What excites you? What goals are you working towards in life?


© 2021 by Kaitlyn Ender. Created with

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